Thursday, August 12, 2010

30 Day Bucket List

I'm in the process of reorganizing. There is frustration at the end of my day. The house still looks like five boisterous toddlers ransacked it. I still have no clue what to make for dinner. I can't seem to find the time to get my business past hovering off the ground, and that personal "me" time gets shifted until it resembles the 5 minutes it takes me to brush my teeth at night and drag myself into bed, and those glorious 2 minutes where I just want to stretch out on the matress and melt into the sheets, in total silence.

I recently followed a twitter link @fleurdeleigh posted about a 30 day bucket list she was putting together for a lifestyle challenge she had undertaken. Intrigued I read a bit more and wrangled the hubby into doing it with me and motivating me along the way. :) So, I have a feeling I'll be adding to this list, but I thought I'd share it to hold myself accountable for completing it, and also to motivate you into making positive changes to your own lifestyle! :)

My 30 Day Bucket List
Put the legal/financial ducks in a row for CS Photography
Declutter house and sell/donate/throw out anything unused or unwanted
Buy new lens :) (So excited for this one!)
Finish my loft shelving and art project
Learn to crochet
Exercise at least 4 days/week
Plan for and make dinners 5 nights/week
Try a new recipe once/week
Potty train Logan
Find an avenue to volunteer
Organize office into professional space
Clean off hard drives to both computers
Complete and blog a weekly photo assignment
Write morning pages
Plan once/week dessert date with hubby
Spend Sunday's "unplugged" with the boys
Personally accomplish 3 things on our "honey do" house renovation list.

So, that's my list for now. Seems a bit overwhelming to me but everyday I'm going to accomplish something that helps me to start crossing things off. And I'm so excited that the hubby is there to keep me motivated. He is working on his own list and we gave ourselves a start date of Aug. 17th so we both had time to finish and talk about our lists.

So, here we go!


  1. Ohh a new lens! Which one are you going with? Good luck with your list. The 30 day thing is a great idea. I should definitely sit down and make myself one.

  2. Courtney, I'm leaning towards the Canon 50mm f/1.2L, any experience with it? I'm just trying to figure out if people are having focusing issues on the 50D camera like they are with the 5D mark ii.

  3. wish I could teach you crochet! :) Lionbrand has some great learn to.. does youtube.

  4. Thanks for the video tips! Can't wait to check them out! I've got a portion of a hat going but it's starting to resemble those shaved curly fries. :) it keeps curling at the edge. I'll get the hang of it sooner or later.
